Col 2:10 – And ye are complete in him…
Inherently, we are an emotionally weak and insecure people, it’s part of the curse of the fall. As a result, we will try and draw our sense of value and belonging from others and/or the things that we do and accomplish. It is God’s desire that we would draw ALL of our emotional security and sense of belonging in our day to day relationship with Him, ALL of it. It’s one of the incredible benefits of being a believer and follower of Christ that most Christians neglect because it doesn’t come automatically and there is a “labor of faith” involved in order to obtain it.
By neglecting to faithfully nurture a close, vibrant, day to day walk and relationship with Him, which takes time and effort, and just carving out specific times to “serve” the Lord at Church, Bible studies, meetings, works of ministry, etc. we forfeit the kind of joyous, communal relationship that was always intended and have the same problems with ongoing sin, emotional weakness and insecurity that the world has. We stumble, we have problems, we get hurt and offended and we wonder why we don’t have the ongoing, consistent walk of righteousness and are not enjoying the kind of steadfast peace and joy in our daily life that was supposed to be part and parcel of following Christ.
The answer is simple, we are not really going after Him daily with a whole heart and investing the time necessary to obtain that benefit. If we seek Him, we will find Him, but only if we seek after Him with all of our hearts.