Welcome to The Shock of Truth website! Here you will find a series of short articles, devotional thoughts and insights that stem primarily from my times of daily seeking of the Lord through prayer and reading/meditating on Scripture. You will notice that my articles have a heavy emphasis on the importance of staying faithful and “running the race” to completion as well as maintaining an earnest, consistent prayer life as the primary avenue to commune and “sup” (dine) with the Lord to gain wisdom, insight and strength for our daily walk from the Holy Spirit. Scripture is searched and included to back up and confirm the insights received.

It is my hope that these articles will be helpful for you to grow in your walk with the Lord, to encourage, challenge and maybe even “shock” at times with the simple Gospel truths that have been lost in the muddle of studied systems of theology, doctrines of men as well as the general watering down of the Gospel so prevalent today.

If you wish clarification or to respond in any way, feel free to E-mail me at: bob@shockoftruth.com